Stories About Adoption
Lindas' Story
Copyright ©
He Makes All Things New
Chapter 5
Stories About Adoption, Lindas' Story
After travelling
300 km in the snow, we arrived at the orphanage
the next morning at 9 a.m. sharp! It was a large
place with over two hundred children in the
orphanage. We were led to the director's office.
He took us to another building where the
children were staying. One building was used for
the school and the other for living quarters. It
turned out that this orphanage had never gone
through an adoption. It was all new to them and
no one knew really what to do. The director and
his assistant asked us what they would like us
to tell the seven year old girl when she comes
into the room? I thought they should know that,
or at least the translator should know what to
say, but they didn't. Everyone was scared. I
suggested that they just tell her that an
American family was here to visit and our
daughter would like to play with her for awhile.
They thought that was a good idea! I asked them
to please not tell the little girl that we might
be adopting her, because if it didn't go
through, it might break her heart. They agreed.
The assistant
director shouted something in Ukrainian and
someone else went to get the little seven year
old girl. There was a lot of shouting going on
from the room we were in, to the hallway outside
(which seems to be common). In walked the little
girl. She just had a shower and was eating in
the dining room, so that is why we had to wait a
little while for her to come. My heart broke
inside. "Lord, is this the little girl that we
came all the way from the USA to Ukraine, to
adopt? I smiled at her but was holding back
tears. She was wearing an old uniform that was
probably two sizes too big for her. She had on
old thick green tights and "army boots". Lord is
this her? From there the whole atmosphere
The assistant
director (woman), took it from there. She
greeted the seven year old little girl very
friendly and asked her if she wanted to color
with my daughter (we had a backpack with us with
coloring books and crayons etc.). She said yes
to coloring. Then her school teacher entered the
room. We said hello and shook hands with her
teacher who was very nice, but unfortunately
could not speak English. She showed us the
little girls school work, and we talked with her
a little through translation.
The assistant
director was smiling and happy with all the
excitement that was going on in her office. She
decided to pick up the phone suddenly and call
someone. The whole atmosphere changed. She had a
short (loud) conversation and then she slammed
down the phone. All she could say was, that the
person on the other side of the phone said NO! I
asked our translator what happened? She told us
that the assistant director just called the
little girls grandmother and told her that the
little girl was going to be adopted by an
American family! The grandmother started crying
on the phone and said she did not want her grand
daughter to be adopted by Americans. She wanted
her to be adopted by Ukranians, so she could
stay in Ukraine. Her grandmother lived in the
same city (as the orphanage), and the little
girl was able to visit her every weekend. The
assistant director told us that the grandmother
said NO! The assistant director had decided to
call the grandmother without asking us and the
grandmother was very upset. I asked our
translator, "why did she do that"? Nothing was
final because we had just arrived and the
process was just beginning. We hadn't even been
in her office for an hour! The assistant
director has a lot of power and wanted to tell
the grandmother what was about to happen and
that she was in charge!
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