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Develop the Spirit of Optimism, Learning the Joy Switch
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Develop the spirit of optimism
The sun begins to rise and the day is starting to begin, brand new, whole, complete, beautiful, fresh, alive and re-made. 

The Lord is watching as you stretch your arms and open your eyes.  He smiles at you…you are beautiful and amazing to Him…you are precious. 

The world is new today for you, a brand new start, fresh mercies pouring down around you, covering you like fine oil, and the smell of rich roses. 

Can you smell the sweet aroma of your Creator?  The Lord loves you.

Develop the spirit of optimism just by knowing He is God.

A new day greets you as you enter work.  The Lord has equipped you to handle each and everything that will come your way today.  There will be nothing too great for you to handle, for the Lord has set you as a conqueror on the earth¸ all you have to do is take your position. 

Look into the eyes of those around you, look at their spirits, delight in the life God has made everywhere you look.  


Smell the rich coffee; know that you are powerful in God for pulling down the strongholds of the day.

Know your authority over everything that hovers over the word of God. Use the truth of the Lord’s word like a sharp samurai sword.

When words fill your mind that bring sorrow, pain, anxiety, depression, fear, anger, or torment of any kind, take the truth of the Lord’s word that is in your heart and cut those things down from their lofty place, for those are lies of the enemy, sent to destroy you, and you do not have to accept their blows. Block them and stand fast. 



Force your mind to the beauty of the sky and the hope of Jesus Christ in you…that all things are possible through Him. That the eye of the Lord is on the righteous and his ear is open to their cry. Cry out to him. Develop the spirit of optimism simply by clinging to His truth.  

Any obstacle that seems to come your way, face it, do not run, and recognize that the Lord has placed might in you…that He has placed everything under your feet. When the phone is ringing or co-workers are difficult to get along with…put on a different pair of glasses, and look from a different perspective at your situation. 


Realize that it is temporary and that there are nuggets hidden all over the place like a exciting egg hunt, ready for you to find them if you just look around you and take your mind off of the satanic distractions. Develop the spirit of optimism simply by remembering that the Lord is good…remembering his mercies endure forever.

Don’t be afraid.

For if the Lord is for you, who and what can possibly be against you loved one.

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