Anxiety Fear
Dance In My Storm
Anxiety Fear
The Meaning Behind the "Peace"
In life we have two choices as human beings.
We can walk through life in fear of each
approaching cloud that comes our way; or we can
embrace the life’s storms and be ready to dance
in the rain.
I was always fearful of my own metaphorical
storms, walking skittishly through my life
wondering when the next tree would fall, when
lightning would strike my safe little world.
It was tiresome and draining; never was there
room for total peace within my fearful heart.
But I started to notice something, a pattern if
you will. I began to see that after I
weathered each storm, I was much stronger than
before it came. I began to see that it was
those moments where my world came crashing
down…that effectively made me feel the most
It was those moments when rain poured in my safe
haven that always caused me to check myself over
and make sure I was complete. It was those
times I saw my wounds clearly, and all my inner
pains that normally would just hide and it gave
me a window of opportunity to find their cause
so they could finally heal.
Anxiety Fear Overcoming - Yes?
I learned that storms have the power to not only
thrill us into new chapters, but they contain
the power to wake us out of complacently.
I was in a rather unhealthy relationship at one
point in my life. He and I both knew this,
but neither had the iron fist to end it.
One day he told me he had met someone else…the
one. I was devastated.
For months I went spiraling into deep
depression, not wanting to eat, not able to
sleep and all together not wanting to live
anymore. Looking back now, I realize it was
almost as if God had to break my limb in order
to save my life. It was tremendously
painful but it finished the ongoing and turmoil
filled relationship.
After I began to heal, my whole world opened up
to amazing degrees as I began to dream again and
see all that I could be.
It’s from this storm memory and many others that
I say with all love, that storms can be
frightening, they can shake us, they can seem to
bring with them grand devastation…but God is the
healing hand…he is the life giver to that which
is dead. No matter what you endure, know if you
invite Him to, He will come into your aftermath
and renew your world.
When you see the
clouds in the distance, kick your shoes off and
run…not away from it but into it. For your
Creator has you, and it’s He who will teach you
to dance.
Anxiety fear overcoming with peace.
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